Scoop Welch is Vice President of Regional Operations for the Granite United Way. In her role, Scoop oversees area directors and managers throughout Granite United Way and is the lead in the Central Region. She is passionate about the community and the work of the United Way.
When asked about her involvement with CATCH, Scoop says she serves on the board because she believes in the mission and supports the amazing work CATCH does in our communities.
Her work at the Granite United Way and CATCH are very closely linked.
“I first got involved with CATCH 15 years ago when I moved to Sandwich and became friends with Rosemary and Jon Heard,” explains Scoop. “12 years ago, Rosemary suggested I apply for a resource development position at United Way in Concord. She told me I would love the work, the community, and the people I would work with; she knew better than I did that I would start a career that I love.”
Granite United Way and CATCH have a long-time history of partnership. Last year, our communities rallied together to support individuals and families most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to the generosity of donors and corporate partners, Granite United Way raised more than $1 million for the COVID-19 Relief Fund. They partnered with local nonprofit agencies that were set up as hubs to distribute funds to those in need. CATCH served as the hub for Merrimack County and these dollars provided immediate support to our neighbors, including our residents, through direct financial assistance, hunger relief, childcare and transportation assistance, and much more.
Scoop has served on the board since April 2019. She is really glad to be on the board and supports CATCH because she believes individuals and families should have access to safe, affordable housing.
We couldn’t agree more, Scoop, and we are lucky to have you!